Group Activities Are Not Just Fun…
Group activities are not just games we play for fun. They are organised calculated activities aimed at enhancing understanding of some of the concepts taught in class.
During the course of our program, we include group activities and some interesting games which not only gets the mentees excited and engaged, but also adds colour and gives a deeper perspective and understanding of the concepts and principles that we teach.
Take for instance, the Human Knot game. It is an activity that helps teach the concept of teamwork and the importance of collaborating and trusting one another. The idea is to have people tied by their hands in a way that it looks like an actual knot which they must untangle through communication and collaboration.
How is the Human Knot played?
Have groups stand in a circle (could be group of 5 or more)
Ask each person to put their right hand out and grab another person’s hand from across the circle in their group. (It cannot be someone to their right or left.)
They will do this same thing with their left hand. (They cannot hold the hand of the same person they held the last time, neither can they hold someone to their right or left.)
Give them 10 minutes to get everyone untangled.
Their hands must stay connected at all times.
Each group, when untangled will become 1-2 circles.
TIP: There is always a solution.
Questions to ask the participants
What did you learn about communication and listening?
What are your observations about how you were able to solve the “Human Knot” problem?
Did you notice any team building going on? What did you observe?
Were there any natural leaders that came forth in this activity?
How could the activity have gone more smoothly?
What did you learn about each other in this activity?
Interested in playing this game with your team? Click here to email us and we will give you the Lessons Learned from this activity.