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Our Vision.

Our vision at The Leader Team is that all people would live well and lead well. This means that all people would have food on their tables, children in school, a roof over their heads, access to medical care and a sustainable living wage. For this to happen, there must be jobs. Good leadership creates good jobs.

At The Leader Team, we are committed to the interconnection of two very powerful indicators of long-term economic success: empowering leaders of integrity and sustainable job creation.

We are passionate about supporting the end of poverty. As long as one person is hungry, we are all hungry.

The Leader Team partners with local Nigerians to create long-term sustainable impact through empowering and equipping leaders and micro-enterprise start-ups. Without this poverty continues through the generations.

Thank you for partnering with us in creating positive change in Nigeria! We could not do this work without you!

Shiloh Karshima, MPA
Executive Director, The Leader Team