Asset Transfers

After concluding our 2022 mentorship program, every mentee who completed all the requirement for grant eligibility has received their award. In 2022, we had business people ranging from bakers, an interior decorator, a travel agent, fashion designers, a cooking gas retailer, and more!

Deborah, a fashion designer, after getting her generator said “wow, I am grateful to The Leader Team for this generator. We have not been having constant electricity in my area, and that has affected my work greatly. But with this asset, I will be able to meet customers’ demands and I will not need to wait for electricity before I can work.”

Another business owner, Caleb said with everything the was awarded to him to assist his business, he believes that his business will move to the next level. Again, Samuel a cooking gas retailer said that with the support he received, he hopes to grow his business to a point where he can support other people to achieve their dreams as well.

“I will not hesitate to tell people about the good work The Leader Team is doing in Nigeria”.

- Samuel, The Leader Team Graduate

Caleb after receiving some of his assets


Nigeria NGO Leader’s Series


Check Out Our 2022!!